S Abbas, VS Erturk, S Momani,
Dynamical analysis of the Irving–Mullineux oscillator equation of
fractional order,
Signal Processing, 102, 171-176, 2014.
JP Tripathi, S Abbas, M Thakur, Local and global stability analysis of
a two prey one predator model with help,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (9),
3284-3297, 2014.
M Banerjee, S Abbas, Existence and non-existence of spatial patterns in
a ratio-dependent predator–prey model, accepted in Ecological Complexity,
S Abbas, L Mahto, M Hafayed, AM Alimi, Asymptotic almost automorphic
solutions of impulsive neural network with almost automorphic
coefficients, accpeted in Neurocomputing, 2014.
Abbas, S. Erturk, V. S., Momani, S., Dynamical analysis of the Irving–Mullineux oscillator equation of
fractional order, Signal Processing, V.
102, 2014, 171-176.
Tripathi,J.P., Abbas, S., Thakur, M., Local and global stability analysis of a two prey one predator model
with help, Comm. Nonl. Sci. Num. Simu., V.
19 (9), 2014, 3284-3297.
Hafayed, M., Abbas, S..
On Near-optimal Mean-field Stochastic Singular Controls: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Near-optimality,
accepted, Journal of Optimization theory and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-013-0361-1, 2013.
Mahto, L., Abbas, S., Favini, A., Analysis of Caputo Impulsive Fractional
Order Differential Equations with Applications, Int. J. Diff. Eqns., V.
2013 (2013), Article ID 704547, 11 pages.
Yonghui Xia, Xiang, G., Patricia, J. Y. Wong, Abbas, S., Application of
Mawhin's coincidence degree and matrix spectral theory to a delayed system.
Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2012, Article ID 940287, 19 pages, 2012.
Hafayed, M., Abbas, S., Veverka, P., On necessary and sufficient conditions for near-optimal singular
stochastic controls, Optimization Letters, In press, 2012.
Abbas, S., Existence and Attractivity of k-Pseudo Almost Automorphic Sequence Solution of a Model of Bidirectional Neural Networks. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 119(1), 2012, 57-74.
Abbas, S., Sen, M., Banerjee, M., Almost periodic solutions of non-autonomous model of phytoplankton allelopathy, Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 67, Number 1, 203-214, 2012.
Abbas, S. Pseudo almost automorphic solutions of some nonlinear integro-differential equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 62(05):2259-2272, 2011.
Abbas, S. , Banerjee, M., Momani, S., Dynamical analysis of a fractional order modified logistic model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 62, Issue 3 (2011), 1098-1104.
Abbas, S., "Existence of solutions to fractional order ordinary and delay differential equations
and applications", Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011(2011), 9, pp. 1-11.
Abbas, S., “Weighted pseudo almost automorphic sequences and their applications”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), No. 121, pp. 1-14.
Abbas, S., “Pseudo almost automorphic solutions of fractional order neutral differential equation”, Semigroup Forum, Volume 81, Number 3, 393-404, 2010.
Abbas, S., Banerjee, M., “Stochastically perturbed allelopathic phytoplankton model”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), No. 98, pp. 1-15.
Abbas, S., Banerjee, M., Hungerbuhler, N., “Existence, uniqueness and stability analysis of allelopathic stimulatory phytoplankton models” J. Math. Anal. Appl., Volume 367, Issue 1, 1, July 2010, 249-259.
Abbas, S., “Pseudo almost periodicity and stability of solutions of discrete time cellular neural networks”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control, 14, No. 3 (2009), 283-301.
Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D. Banerjee, M., “Effect of stochastic perturbation on two species competitive model” Nonlinear Analysis, HS, 3, 3 (2009), 195-206.
Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D., “Existence of solutions to quasilinear functional differential equations”,
Electronic Journal of Differential Equation, Vol. 2009 (2009), No. 164, 1-8.
Bahuguna, D., Abbas, S., Dabbas, J., “Partial functional differential equation with an integral Condition and applications to population dynamics”, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 69 (2008), 2623-2635.
Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D., “Almost periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations”, Computers and Mathematics with Application, 55-11 (2008), 2593-2601.
Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D., “Almost periodic solutions of functional differential equations by monotone iterative method”, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 16, Nos. 1 & 2, Jan.& Apr. 2008, 47-62.
book chapter
Contributing Author, Chapter "Weighted Pseudo Almost Automorphic Solutions of Neutral Functional Differential Equations" in "Evolution Equations" by Arthur L. Claes, Mathematics Research Developments series, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61209-652-0.
Syed Abbas, Functional Differential Equations: Existence, Uniqueness and Almost Periodicity,
ISBN 978-3-8383-2023-6, LAP , Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2010.
Conference Proceedings
Abbas, S., Mahto, L., Existence of almost periodic solutions of a model of phytoplankton allelopathy with delay, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2012, Greece.
Mahto, L., Abbas, S., Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of Caputo fractional differential equations, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2012, Greece.
Tripathi, J. P., Abbas, S., Thakur, M., Stability analysis of two prey one predator model, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2012, Greece.
Postdoc Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, Italy, June-August 2010 (3 months)..discontinued the fellowship and joined IIT mandi.
NBHM Post Doctoral fellow at "Department of mathematics and statistics, IIT Kanpur", 26-03-2010 to 01-06-2010 (3 months).
Visiting researcher "University of Fribourg, Switzerland" from 01-06-2009 to 30-08-2009 (3 months).
Project associate in the "Department of civil engineering, IIT Kanpur" under Prof. P. K. Mohapatra from 01-11-2009 to 30-02-2010 (3 months).
Project associate in the "Department of mathematics and statistics, IIT Kanpur" on NBHM project under Prof. D. Bahuguna from 01-02- 2004 to 30-07-2004 (6 months).
Tutor in MTH-101R (Analysis for undergraduate) for one semester (got best tutor award).
Tutor of MTH-428 (Mathematical methods for M.Sc. students).