Dr. Syed Abbas

Dr. Syed Abbas
Phone : 01905-237933
EMail : abbas[at]iitmandi[dot]ac[dot]in
Address : School of Basic Sciences
IIT Mandi, PWD Rest House 2nd floor,
near Bus Stand, Mandi - 175001

Areas of Interest

  • Almost Periodic Solutions
  • Functional Differential Equations
  • Ecological Modeling
  • Fractional Differential Equations


  • Ph.D. (2009) IIT Kanpur, India.
  • M.Sc. (2004) IIT Kanpur, India.

Selected Publications

  • S Abbas, VS Erturk, S Momani, Dynamical analysis of the Irving–Mullineux oscillator equation of fractional order, Signal Processing, 102, 171-176, 2014.
  • JP Tripathi, S Abbas, M Thakur, Local and global stability analysis of a two prey one predator model with help, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (9), 3284-3297, 2014.
  • M Banerjee, S Abbas, Existence and non-existence of spatial patterns in a ratio-dependent predator–prey model, accepted in Ecological Complexity, 2014.
  • S Abbas, L Mahto, M Hafayed, AM Alimi, Asymptotic almost automorphic solutions of impulsive neural network with almost automorphic coefficients, accpeted in Neurocomputing, 2014.
  • Abbas, S. Erturk, V. S., Momani, S., Dynamical analysis of the Irving–Mullineux oscillator equation of fractional order, Signal Processing, V. 102, 2014, 171-176.
  • Tripathi,J.P., Abbas, S., Thakur, M., Local and global stability analysis of a two prey one predator model with help, Comm. Nonl. Sci. Num. Simu., V. 19 (9), 2014, 3284-3297.
  • Hafayed, M., Abbas, S.. On Near-optimal Mean-field Stochastic Singular Controls: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Near-optimality, accepted, Journal of Optimization theory and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-013-0361-1, 2013.
  • Mahto, L., Abbas, S., Favini, A., Analysis of Caputo Impulsive Fractional Order Differential Equations with Applications, Int. J. Diff. Eqns., V. 2013 (2013), Article ID 704547, 11 pages.
  • Yonghui Xia, Xiang, G., Patricia, J. Y. Wong, Abbas, S., Application of Mawhin's coincidence degree and matrix spectral theory to a delayed system. Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2012, Article ID 940287, 19 pages, 2012.
  • Hafayed, M., Abbas, S., Veverka, P., On necessary and sufficient conditions for near-optimal singular stochastic controls, Optimization Letters, In press, 2012.
  • Abbas, S., Existence and Attractivity of k-Pseudo Almost Automorphic Sequence Solution of a Model of Bidirectional Neural Networks. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 119(1), 2012, 57-74.
  • Abbas, S., Sen, M., Banerjee, M., Almost periodic solutions of non-autonomous model of phytoplankton allelopathy, Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 67, Number 1, 203-214, 2012.
  • Abbas, S. Pseudo almost automorphic solutions of some nonlinear integro-differential equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 62(05):2259-2272, 2011.
  • Abbas, S. , Banerjee, M., Momani, S., Dynamical analysis of a fractional order modified logistic model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 62, Issue 3 (2011), 1098-1104.
  • Abbas, S., "Existence of solutions to fractional order ordinary and delay differential equations and applications", Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011(2011), 9, pp. 1-11.
  • Abbas, S., “Weighted pseudo almost automorphic sequences and their applications”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), No. 121, pp. 1-14.
  • Abbas, S., “Pseudo almost automorphic solutions of fractional order neutral differential equation”, Semigroup Forum, Volume 81, Number 3, 393-404, 2010.
  • Abbas, S., Banerjee, M., “Stochastically perturbed allelopathic phytoplankton model”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), No. 98, pp. 1-15.
  • Abbas, S., Banerjee, M., Hungerbuhler, N., “Existence, uniqueness and stability analysis of allelopathic stimulatory phytoplankton models” J. Math. Anal. Appl., Volume 367, Issue 1, 1, July 2010, 249-259.
  • Abbas, S., “Pseudo almost periodicity and stability of solutions of discrete time cellular neural networks”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control, 14, No. 3 (2009), 283-301.
  • Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D. Banerjee, M., “Effect of stochastic perturbation on two species competitive model” Nonlinear Analysis, HS, 3, 3 (2009), 195-206.
  • Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D., “Existence of solutions to quasilinear functional differential equations”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equation, Vol. 2009 (2009), No. 164, 1-8.
  • Bahuguna, D., Abbas, S., Dabbas, J., “Partial functional differential equation with an integral Condition and applications to population dynamics”, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 69 (2008), 2623-2635.
  • Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D., “Almost periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations”, Computers and Mathematics with Application, 55-11 (2008), 2593-2601.
  • Abbas, S., Bahuguna, D., “Almost periodic solutions of functional differential equations by monotone iterative method”, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 16, Nos. 1 & 2, Jan.& Apr. 2008, 47-62.

book chapter

  • Contributing Author, Chapter "Weighted Pseudo Almost Automorphic Solutions of Neutral Functional Differential Equations" in "Evolution Equations" by Arthur L. Claes, Mathematics Research Developments series, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61209-652-0.
  • Syed Abbas, Functional Differential Equations: Existence, Uniqueness and Almost Periodicity, ISBN 978-3-8383-2023-6, LAP , Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2010.

Conference Proceedings

  • Abbas, S., Mahto, L., Existence of almost periodic solutions of a model of phytoplankton allelopathy with delay, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2012, Greece.
  • Mahto, L., Abbas, S., Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of Caputo fractional differential equations, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2012, Greece.
  • Tripathi, J. P., Abbas, S., Thakur, M., Stability analysis of two prey one predator model, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2012, Greece.


  • Postdoc Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, Italy, June-August 2010 (3 months)..discontinued the fellowship and joined IIT mandi.
  • NBHM Post Doctoral fellow at "Department of mathematics and statistics, IIT Kanpur", 26-03-2010 to 01-06-2010 (3 months).
  • Visiting researcher "University of Fribourg, Switzerland" from 01-06-2009 to 30-08-2009 (3 months).
  • Project associate in the "Department of civil engineering, IIT Kanpur" under Prof. P. K. Mohapatra from 01-11-2009 to 30-02-2010 (3 months).
  • Project associate in the "Department of mathematics and statistics, IIT Kanpur" on NBHM project under Prof. D. Bahuguna from 01-02- 2004 to 30-07-2004 (6 months).
  • Tutor in MTH-101R (Analysis for undergraduate) for one semester (got best tutor award).
  • Tutor of MTH-428 (Mathematical methods for M.Sc. students).