Dinesh Singh

Dr. Dinesh Singh

Assistant Professor
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh - 175 005, INDIA.

Email: dineshsingh [ AT ] iitmandi [ DOT ] ac [ DOT ] in
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Dinesh Singh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi. Prior to joining IIT Mandi, He worked in the High-dimensional Statistical Modeling Team with Prof. Makoto Yamada as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), Kyoto University Office, Japan. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Hyderabad under the supervision of Prof. C. Krishna Mohan on Scalable and Distributed Methods for Large-scale Visual Computing. He received his M.Tech degree in Computer Engineering from NIT Surat, where he worked with Prof. Dhiren R. Patel on machine-learning approaches for network anomaly and intrusion detection in the domain of cybersecurity and cloud security.

Academic & Research Experience:

Administrative Experience:


Awards and Honors


Research Group: Visual Intelligence and Machine Learning (VIML)

Connect to VIML on LinkedIn: linkedin

Sponsored Project:

  1. 2025-28 - Development of AI-based multi-class Welding Defects Detection Method - Role: PI - Sponsoring Agency: DRDL Hyderabad - Budget: ₹5M
  2. 2024-24 - Product validation and technical sanction of IoT &Al based flood forecasting and alert system - Role: Co-PI - Sponsoring Agency: Veloce Techinsights Private Limited - Budget: ₹0.8M
  3. 2023-25 - Visual big data analytics: large-scale computer vision for security and road safety in smart city - Role: PI - Sponsoring Agency: Seed Grant, IIT Mandi - Budget: ₹4.5M
  4. 2023-25 - Developing AI-based cognitive function enhancement app by applying Artificial intelligence and biomarker profiling - Role: Co-PI - Sponsoring Agency: iHub & HCI Foundation IIT Mandi - Budget: ₹8.7M
  5. 2023-25 - Integration of Digital Olfaction with a Mobile Phone and Television - Role: Co-PI - Sponsoring Agency: iHub & HCI Foundation IIT Mandi - Budget: ₹10.7M
  6. 2022-23 - AI based Multimodal Inspection for Defect Detection - Role: Co-PI - Sponsoring Agency: Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd. - Budget: ₹3.2M


  1. Feb 2024: Debaditya Roy, Dinesh Singh, C. Vishnu, and C. Krishna Mohan "Method and System for Detection of Crime Events in Surveillance Videos," Indian Patent No: 516052
  2. Dec 2022: C. Krishna Mohan, Dinesh Singh, C. Vishnu, and Debaditya Roy "A Method and System for Real-time Detection of Traffic Violation by Two-wheeled Riders," Indian Patent No: 414669
  3. Nov 2022: Dinesh Singh, C. Vishnu, Debaditya Roy, and C. Krishna Mohan "Method and System for Detection of Accident in Traffic Surveillance Videos," Indian Patent No: 410755


  1. Hardik Tankaria, Dinesh Singh, Makoto Yamada, "Nys-Newton: Nyström-Approximated Curvature for Stochastic Optimization," arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.08577

Selected Publications:

  1. Sagnik Ghosh, Avinash Kushwaha, and Dinesh Singh "Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning through Global Density Estimation," IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Washington DC, USA, Dec 2024
    paper, code, data
  2. Qiang Huang, Makoto Yamada, Yuan Tian, Dinesh Singh, Yi Chang "GraphLIME: Local interpretable model explanations for graph neural networks," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol.35, No.7, pp.6968-6972, July 2023
    paper, code, data
  3. Dinesh Singh, Hector Climente-Gonzalez, Mathis Petrovich, Eiryo Kawakami and Makoto Yamada "FsNet: Feature Selection Network on High-dimensional Biological Data," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Jun 2023
    paper, code, data
  4. Dinesh Singh "Graph Representation for Weakly-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Action Detection," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Jun 2023
    paper, code, data
  5. Dinesh Singh, C. Vishnu, and C. Krishna Mohan "Real-Time Detection of Motorcyclist without Helmet using Cascade of CNNs on Edge-device," IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (IEEE ITSC 2020)
    paper, code, data
  6. Dinesh Singh and C. Krishna Mohan "Deep Spatio-Temporal Representation for Detection of Road Accident using Stacked Autoencoder," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), Vol.20, No.3, pp.879-887, Mar 2019
    paper, code, data
  7. Dinesh Singh and C. Krishna Mohan "Projection-SVM: Distributed Kernel Support Vector Machine for Big Data using Subspace Partitioning," IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Seattle, Washington, USA, Dec 2018
    paper, code, data
  8. Dinesh Singh, Abhijeet Bhure, Sumit Mamtani, and C. Krishna Mohan "Fast-BoW: Scaling Bag-of-Visual-Words Generation," British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Sep 2018,
    paper, code, data
  9. C. Vishnu, Dinesh Singh, C. Krishna Mohan and Ch. Sobhan Babu "Detection of Motorcyclists without Helmet in Videos using Convolutional Neural Network," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2017
    paper, code, data
  10. Dinesh Singh and C. Krishna Mohan "Graph Formulation of Video Activities for Abnormal Activity Recognition," Pattern Recognition, Vol.65, pp.265-272, May 2017
    paper, code, data
  11. Dinesh Singh, Debaditya Roy, and C. Krishna Mohan "DiP-SVM: Distribution Preserving Kernel Support Vector Machine for Big Data," IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Vol.3, No.1, pp.79-90, Jan-Mar 2017
    paper, code, data
  12. Dinesh Singh, C. Vishnu, and C. Krishna Mohan "Visual Big Data Analytics for Traffic Monitoring in Smart City," IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Anaheim, California, USA, Dec 2016
    paper, code, data
  13. Nazil Perveen, Dinesh Singh, and C. Krishna Mohan "Spontaneous Facial Expression Recognition: A Part Based Approach," IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Anaheim, California, USA, Dec 2016
    paper, code, data
  14. Dinesh Singh and C. Krishna Mohan , "Distributed Quadratic Programming Solver for Kernel SVM using Genetic Algorithm," IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC), Vancouver, Canada, Jul 2016
    paper, code, data
  15. Kunal Dahiya, Dinesh Singh, and C. Krishna Mohan, "Automatic Detection of Bike-riders without Helmet using Surveillance Videos in Real-time," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, Jul 2016
    paper, code, data
  16. Dinesh Singh, Dhiren Patel, Borishaniya Bhavesh, and Chirag Modi "Collaborative IDS Framework for Cloud," International Journal of Network Security, Vol.18, No.4, PP.699-709, Jul 2016
    paper, code, data

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