This document gives some details about accessing the computing server (Dual Xeon, 32 GB RAM) located
in my office. The system runs headless, so you can access only via ssh. Also, the system is accessible from only
within the IIT Mandi network.
IP address:
To run matlab, run:
$ matlab2013 -nodesktop -nojvm -singleCompThread
This disables the desktop and matlab JVM.
-singleCompThread asks matlab to run only one thread (use only one core.) This is useful when you
want to run several matlab jobs. Also, it helps when others too are running their own matlab jobs. By
default, matlab assumes that only one person is using the computer, and hence tries to utilise all the
cores. This will create problems if more than one person is using the system.
See here for a sample wrapper script, and how to launch it using nohup.