If your financial situation is really strong, it is advised to begin your JEE preparation as early as possible in 9th or 10th grade. You can also begin in the eleventh grade, as most students did in our survey. You must consistently prepare and put in a lot of effort.If you decide to start studying after your 12th grade year, it is not a good idea because you will be under a lot of pressure to finish the entire syllabus in a shorter amount of time than other students, who often take two or more years to finish it. If you begin before the ninth grade, you risk becoming worn out by the end and being unable to concentrate during the exam.
The number of hours you should study every day is determined by your personal ability and commitments. However, it is generally advised that students in class 11 devote at least 2-4 hours each day to focused and productive self-study, while students in class 12 devote 5-6 hours. You can alter the duration according to your capabilities, but consistency and quality of study are more important than the number of hours.
Taking computer science or physical education in 11th and 12th class are the best options.The majority of the students participated in this survey have opted physical education. This subject is simple, and the entire curriculum is readily covered. If you choose computer science, you may have fewer troubles in your first year of college. Taking biology is a bad idea because you will have to study PCMB for the entire year. You must devote additional time to it.
If you are engaged in a coaching program, you should take tests according to their schedules. If you are not enrolled in an institute, strive to take at least one test fortnightly. As the exam approaches, increase the frequency to two tests every week.
Prioritizing sleep during JEE preparation is critical for your general well-being and optimal cognitive performance. Aim for a minimum of 6-7 hours of quality sleep per night to ensure that you are well-rested, mentally bright, and capable of properly retaining information. According to our findings, those who maintained the quality of their sleep until the end performed well in the finals.