Reasearch Highlights

PhD Thesis
- Advisor: Dr. Gaurav Raina, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras
- Title: Stability and Performance of Some Queue Management Policies with Transport Protocols in High-Speed Networks
- Highlights:
- Motivated by the problem of increasing queueing delays in the Internet, we studied the Random Early Detection (RED) and Proportional Integral (PI) policies for queue management at routers, in conjunction with Compound TCP (Windows OS).
- Using control- and bifurcation-theoretic tools, we outlined some limitations of the two queue policies, and proposed a simple threshold-based queue policy that can mitigate queueing delays.
- The threshold-based queue policy is shown to outperform both RED and PI using a simulation-based performance evaluation.
- A detailed study of FAST TCP (a new proposal for delay-based TCP) suggests that, the threshold-based queue policy would yield stable performance with FAST TCP as well.
- Abstract: Click here to read.
Other Work
- Advisor: Dr. Gaurav Raina, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras
- Highlights:
- Population Dynamics: Analysis of first-order and second-order systems with single and multiple time delays, to exhibit the existence of interesting non-linear phenomenon such as bifurcation, limit cycles, chaos, stability switches, etc. We also developed an analog oscillator circuit inspired from a first-order time-delayed model proposed to capture the population of blow flies (known as the Perez Malta Coutinho equation). The voltage level was seen to exhibit chaotic phenomenon predicted by the numerical simulations performed on the mathematical model.
- Human Physiology: We studied non-linear models proposed to capture haematopoietic and erythropoietic processes in humans; namely Mackey-Glass and Lasota equations. Control- and bifurcation-theoretic analyses of these models reveal the emergence of oscillations, thus predicting the onset of dynamical diseases. Stability conditions that yield design guidelines were derived.
- Economics: Mathematical models that capture the change in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and capital stock in an economy were studied to understand the impact of time delays. Our study reveals that the time taken to make the investment decisions impacts the GDP. Some design guidelines are provided to ensure convergence of the GDP to a stable equilibrium.
- Preprints
- M.S. Gayathree and S. Manjunath, "Towards understanding the performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC in heterogeneous traffic conditions," arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.16672, 2023.
- S. Manjunath, G.K. Kamath and G. Raina, "Stability, convergence, and limit cycles in some human physiological processes," arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04783, 2018.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "Compound TCP with Random Early Detection (RED): stability, bifurcation and performance analyses," arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04783, 2018.
- Journal papers
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "Stability and performance of Compound TCP with a Proportional Integral queue policy," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 27, pp. 2139--2155, 2019.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "FAST TCP: Some fluid models, stability and Hopf bifurcation," Performance Evaluation, vol. 110, pp. 48--66, 2017.
- S. Manjunath, A. Podapati and G. Raina, "Stability, convergence, limit cycles and chaos in some models of population dynamics," Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 87, pp. 2577-2595, 2017.
- G. Raina, S. Manjunath, S. Prasad and K. Giridhar, "Stability and Performance Analysis of Compound TCP With REM and Drop-Tail Queue Management," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, pp. 1961-1974, 2016.
- Conference papers
- U. Barooah and S. Manjunath, "Decentralised control of a mixed traffic platoon of connected cars and human-driven motorcycles," IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference:(VTC2022-Spring), 2022.
- U. Barooah and S. Manjunath, "A sliding-mode control approach towards design of driving assistance system for lane-change maneuver in connected vehicles," 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2021.
- S. Manjunath and G.K. Kamath, "A Stabilizing Controller for the Modified Optimal Velocity Model," The 15th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (2019 IFAC TDS), 2019.
- S. Manjunath and S. Zeng, "On trajectory tracking of control-affine nonlinear systems with unreliable communication," 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (2019 IFAC NecSys), 2019.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "Performance analysis of compound TCP with a Proportional Integral (PI) control policy," The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2015 CCDC), 2015.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina,"Analyses of compound TCP with Random Early Detection (RED) queue management," The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2015 CCDC), 2015.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "A proportionally fair controller with small Drop-Tail buffers: Local bifurcation analysis with two delays," The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2015 CCDC), 2015.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "Stability and bifurcation analysis of a Lotka-Volterra time delayed system," The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), 2014.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of the Mackey-Glass and Lasota equations," The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), 2014.
- S. Manjunath, D. Ghosh and G. Raina, "A Kaldor-Kalecki model of business cycles: Stability and limit cycles," The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), 2014.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "Local Hopf bifurcation analysis of logistic population dynamics models with two delays," The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), 2014.
- S. Manjunath and G. Raina, "FAST TCP: Some queueing models and stability," International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2014.