IIT Mandi | OSFM Lab

Iswar chandra Mondal

M.Sc.(2016), SRF

+919933086209 ishan.rkmsth@gmail.com

Joined: Feb 2018 to Present

Research Topic: Design and synthesis of small molecular probe for visualization of RNA present in the cell.

Pooja Dhingra

M.Sc.(2019), JRF

+917503837817 dhingrapooja11@gmail.com

Joined: Feb 2021 to Present

Research Topic: Design and synthesis of NIR emitters for light emiiting devices.

Addisalem Abebe Godana

M.Sc. (2014), JRF

+916230786023 addisalem.ethi@gmail.com

Joined: Aug 2020 to Present

Research Topic: Synthesis of D-A organic polymers for solar to chemical hydrogen peroxide conversion by electrocatalysis

Snata Deka

M.Sc.(2021), JRF

+918404050752 snatadeka@gmail.com

Joined: Feb 2022 to Present

Research Topic: Development of synthetic methodlogies

Satyabrata Sarkar

M.Sc.(2021), JRF

+916296772912 scisat@gmail.com

Joined: Aug 2023 to Present

Research Topic: Development of synthetic methodlogies
