“Center for Innovative Technologies for Himalayan Region”
Agriculture Advisory System

It is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education...

It is to facilitate accelerated and sustainable transformation of Indian agriculture in...

IIT Mandi...

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Bajaura, India 175 125

   Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Bajaura was established in 1985,

   Mandate of the Institution    
  • Assessment, refinement, evaluation and validation of technologies through On Farm Testing to suit agro-climatic niches as per location specificities.
  • To organize trainings to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agriculture on regular basis.
  • To organize short and long duration vocational training courses in agriculture and allied fields for practicing farmers and rural youths to cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship for generating self employment with emphasis on learning by doing.
  • To organize Front Line Demonstrations on various crops and technologies to generate production data and feedback information to researchers.
   Full Address with Fax/ E-mail      

     Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bajaura
     CSKHPKV Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bajaura
     Distt Kullu,Himachal Pradesh
     India, 175 125
     Himachal Pradesh
     Phone: 91 1905-287318
     Fax: 91 1905-287318

Bitter Sweet