“Center for Innovative Technologies for Himalayan Region”
Agriculture Advisory System

It is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education...

It is to facilitate accelerated and sustainable transformation of Indian agriculture in...

IIT Mandi...

Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur (INDIA) 176062

   Date of Establishment of the institution - Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Since 1st November, 1978

   Mandate of the Institution    
  • To create a knowledge society on hill and mountain agriculture
  • To provide access to knowledge and skills in hill and mountain agriculture
  • To ensure wider recognition of university in hill and mountain agricultural education
   Full Address with Fax/ E-mail    

     CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur
     Directorate of Extension Education
     Palampur 176062
     Himachal Pradesh (INDIA)
     Phone: 91 01894 – 230521,
     Fax: 91 01894 – 230465
     Email: vc@hillagric.ac.in

Bitter Sweet