Research Scientist, Intel Labs, Bangalore (Sep 2021 - Nov 2022)
Research Intern, Intel Labs, Bangalore (Feb 2021 - July 2021)
Research Intern, Intel Labs, Bangalore (May 2020 - October 2020)
Graduate Research Assistant, IIT Hyderabad (August 2015 - July 2017) (Sponsored M.Tech student by LVPEI, Hyderabad)
Awards, Honors, and Invited Talks
Super winner for Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship(QIF) -2020 for the project " Blind Video Quality assessment " (10 Lakhs grant,one team out of ten winning teams of QIF 2019)
Recipient of Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship(QIF) -2019 for the project "Blind Video Quality assessment " (10 Lakhs grant)
Received NeurIPS travel award to present our work at NeurIPS 2019
Selected to attend Doctoral Symposium at ICVGIP 2021
Selected to attend Google Research India Graduate Symposium 2021
Participated in the IIT-H and RIKEN-AIP Joint workshop on AI
All India 9th rank in National Creativity Aptitude Test (NCAT) conducted by IIT Delhi in 2012
Speaker in Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Machine Learning Algorithms for Signal Processing and Communications" organized by NIT, Warangal (December 29th & 30th,2022)
Speaker in One Week Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Deep Learning Approaches for 5G and Software Defined Networks" organized by Department of DS&AI, IcfaiTech (FST), IFHE Hyderabad, (April-3rd,2022)
Delivered a talk in Doctoral Symposium at ICVGIP 2021