

  1. P. Kancharla, S. S. Channappayya, "Completely Blind Quality Assessment of User Generated Video Content," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2021.3130541,2021. [Abstract, Code]

  2. P. Kancharla, S. S. Channappayya, "Improving the Visual Quality of Video Frame Prediction Models Using the Perceptual Straightening Hypothesis," IEEE Signal Processing Letters. DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2021.3118639,2021.[Abstract, Code]

Conference Publications

  1. Pallav Dwivedi, and Parimala Kancharla "Grad-CAM Guided Framework for Quality-Preserving Channel Pruning in GANs", accepted to NCC 2025 to be held at IIT Delhi.

  2. Narayan Shakya, Siddharath, and Parimala Kancharla. "Deep Priors for Video Quality Prediction." arXiv e-prints (2024): arXiv-2410., accepted to tiny paper track at ICVGIP-2024.

  3. Narayan Shakya, Siddharath, and Parimala Kancharla. "Deep Learning Based Compressive Domain Analytics Framework for Seismic Images." Proceedings of the Fifteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing. 2024.

  4. P. Kancharla, S. S. Channappayya, "Improving the Visual Quality of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) - generated Images Using the Multi-scale Structural Similarity Index", In 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)(pp.3908-3912), 2018.

  5. P. Kancharla, S. S. Channappayya, "Quality Aware Generative Adversarial Networks", In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. pp 2948-2958, 2019. [Abstract, Code]

  6. P. Kancharla, S. S. Channappayya,"A weighted optimization for Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy," Proc. of NCC 2019, IISc Bangalore, February, 2019.

  7. F. K. Joseph, A. Arora, P. Kancharla, M. K. A. Singh, W. Steenbergen, S. S. Channappayya "Generative adversarial network-based photoacoustic image reconstruction from bandlimited and limited-view data," Proc. SPIE Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing, 2021.